Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Still doing really REALLY good!!

From my last update 4 months ago, I want to write and say how well things are going.  I'm free of any eczema or even dry skin. I barely itch... just once in a great while.  And my energy is super high!!  I've been working 48 hours a week back in the ER and still getting a ton done on my days off from cleaning to baking to managing a life with 3 teens I home school. I'm super busy but also super happy!

Since the last update, I talked about the TRS spray I was taking.  It has zeolites that attach to heavy metals and remove them from your body.  I believe in this type of detox that I have begun to sell it myself (it is called Pure). I also added in a clay product for further help with heavy metal detox. And lastly, I added in some smart coffee!  This stuff is giving me a ton of energy and motivation. My PMS is nearly gone and my typical bad attitude at work is also gone. I have never sold anything before...not essential oils (even though I love them), not vitamins or any other supplements.  But this company truly has some amazing products. Not only do they have the smart coffee and a keto coffee creamer, and the zeolite product, but they also have CBD oil which a lot of people with TSW use with great relief.

I will leave you with the link to view any of the products. And if you are looking for another avenue to make money, let me know and I can give you a direct link to sign up.  So many people drink coffee.... it is the best coffee though because of what's added.  And below are also a few pics of me the last week or so where my skin is clear followed by some old pics of me during TSW.
