Sunday, January 3, 2016

Finally settled at home!

The last few months of 2015 were beyond crazy - we had moved to Lexington, KY in August but due to problems with our new jobs we had to close up the house and go back to NY for 2 months to work to ensure finances were not too tight for the holidays.  Moving in itself was expensive so we just packed a few bags and ended up being split up.  Our kids stayed at my parents for 8 weeks in Rochester, I stayed at a friend's house in Albany and worked 2 months, and my hubby was in Binghamton sleeping in the truck (he refused to spend money on a hotel).   Anyway we were all about 2-3 hours away from each other and spent many hours on the road visiting each other.  We also got to spend some time visiting Christmas Village in PA and a few other sites.  It was stressful but not once did my skin act up!  However with that said I was still reacting to dairy and gluten - dry itchy skin on my arms and face and my asthma has kicked up to a whole new level.  Not sure why but I do notice I get difficulty breathing every time I was eating.

So that left hubby and I to make the decision for me to return to KY before Christmas (he came home for a week too) and to not work for at least 3 months.  I am spending this time on losing the weight I gained and get back to the all clean eating we were doing years ago.  No cheating, no excuses.  I seriously think my asthma is being triggered by a number of things but mostly the bad food I have been eating.  I am now on day 2 of my 100% clean eating.  Last week I spent cutting back and not buying any new bad food.  Also had to come off coffee for a a few weeks as my crutch is yummy sugary coffee creamer!

As for my skin, today its less itchy and I've had no hives for about a week.  I have not taken any antihistamines in about 4 or 5 days either and my itching continues to improve.  In the meantime I am reading up on all things regarding saving money and being more frugal.  I joined ibotta and I even joined Dietbet where you bet on yourself losing weight.  I joined one short term game and one 6 month game.  By putting down a few dollars I am now committed to sticking to my clean eating and losing this weight.  I am guaranteed all my money back as long as I lose the % of weight required.  I'm more determined than ever about getting my health back into tip top shape.

Praying everyone out there suffering can get some relief with this new year.  Keep reading and finding what will work for you!  Don't give up because life on the other side of TSW is AWESOME!

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