Return_Visit - 2 months
to be set up by Annie
Instructions to Patient - Another
copy will be uploaded into your portal under Documents - Handouts.
Below I have prepared a therapy program personalized for your
restoration. Your story, your physical findings, your test results, much
thought, and much prayer has gone into this program. With this before you, it
is time for you and I to begin walking this out. As we talk through this for
the first time, there may be some final tweaks. I will make notes and send you
a final copy with those minor changes.
The first section is the summary which just includes my
recommendations for supplements, medications, lifestyle, and spirit. We will
discuss the second section first, but later when you are looking back to this
document, it will be easier to have this summary first. The second section goes
into much more detail explaining why we are doing certain things. We will not
have time to discuss all of these details so read over this before we meet and
have questions in case I don't explain something. You can also look to this
second section later to understand why we are doing what we are doing.
Prayer before we start: Father, guide our conversation and use
these recommendations to restore health to the one who is suffering. Amen.
*****Summary Recommendations*****
Supplements or Medications which I believe are best for your
1) L carnitine 500mg _2__ times per day,
2) Trial of 200 to 250mcg Folinic acid (other form of
3) Omega 3's goal of 2000 mg daily (EPA+DHA), Work up little by
little to that dose.
4) Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg twice a day. We will work up to higher
doses over time.
5) N acetyl Cysteine 500mg twice a day to help make more
6) Vitamin E 400 units daily to preserve glutathione.
7) Vitamin D3/k2 Supplement 5000 per day and recheck in 3 months
8) Vitamin C 1000mg per day, if tolerated, increase to 2000mg per
9) B Minus 1 per day for 2 weeks, (we have in stock) then Start
the Hydoxo B12 for 2 weeks, then add folinic acid 200mcg per day.
10)Seeking Health Phophatidylcholine 1 capsule twice a day.
Neuroprotek which contains quercetin, luteolin, rutin 1 per day
and we can determine if need 2 per day. Order from
Follow Up
2 months
to be set up by Annie
Discussed 2 dogs she has at home. May want to consider dog holiday
for several days to see if she reacts.
Discussed possibility of Singular. she has prescription from past
Further Testing
1) C4a about $110.
2) Good to check Iron panel for Suberic acid elevation
Dietary Changes:
1. I advise everyone to aim for a low inflammatory diet. The
standard American diet increases the degree of inflammation in our bodies.
Removing these foods from your diet will improve your health. a) Avoid
processed foods. They have less nutrition and more inflammatory additives. b)
Avoid Trans-fats as they contribute to cardiovascular decline and ageing. c)
Eat a wide variety of colors in veggies and fruits. This increase the
anti-oxidants in your diet easily. d) Try to eat mostly organic veggies and
fruits to avoid pesticides. Given the expense of organic foods, at least try to
avoid the "Dirty Dozen" from the Environmental Working Group's list
of the dozen foods with the most pesticides. You can find this on their website
or Android/Apple app. e) Try to eat grass fed meat if you eat meat and avoid
charring when cooking. f) Avoid using oils for cooking like Canola, sunflower,
safflower as they can become trans-fats when heated. Low temp olive oil is okay
unless it begins to smoke. Avocado oil can tolerate much higher heat. Use olive
or avocado oil for salad dressings.
2) Other dietary:
A) Given asthma symptoms 30-60 minutes after dairy, she mainly
B) She gets hives and worsened eczema if eat dairy.
C) Given sesame seed anaphylaxis in past, avoid.
D) Given IgE, avoid peanuts, milk. Minimize or avoid Egg and soy
and wheat.
E) With any egg intake, take 2 enzymes and avoid under-cooking.
F) Follow smoke point temps to prevent trans fat creation
G) Feel free to add some more olive oil into diet plan.
Lifestyle Recommendations
Exercise: Aim for at least __30__ minutes of exercise _4___ times
per week. Exercise means some type of activity which gets your heart rate up
slightly and makes your feel a little tired after having done it. This could be
walking, cleaning your house quickly, strenuous gardening, jogging, aerobics,
pilates, or other things. Ideally it will be something you enjoy or a regular
activity that you can adapt to be a form of exercise. If you begin this
exercise and feel chest pain/tightness, stop immediately and seek medical
attention. If the pain does not stop after stopping the activity, you should
probably call 911 for emergency help. During outdoor exercise or exercise that
causes sweating, be sure to stay hydrated with water. Also be sure to replace
electrolytes lost in sweat like potassium and magnesium.
Rest: Besides having physical activity to stimulate our
metabolism, our bodies require adequate rest. This rest comes in different
forms. Daily we need to pace ourselves to prevent excessive fatigue and then
get adequate sleep at night. On a weekly basis, we need to monitor how much physical
exertion occurs each day and try to minimize high exertional days occurring 2
or 3 in a row. In other words, if you have a high physical stress/exertion day,
the next should usually be an easier day. Stacking 2 or 3 or 4 hard days in a
row will cause stress hormones to go too high and possibly our immunity to
drop, leading to infections.
A) In New York house, severe mold issue (Severe water damage after
hurricane) . In current house, uses air purifiers and cleans well.
Sleep: Ideally, most people need 7 ½ to 8 ½ hours of sleep per
night. There are some genetics which lower the amount and some which lengthen
the amount needed. In addition, illness and inflammation in our bodies
increases anyone’s need
for sleep. During sleep our brains recuperate and establish memory circuits.
During sleep our bodies repair tissue damage that occurs during the day. During
sleep metabolism slows and we prepare for another day. For you I RECOMMEND:
___7-8_____ Hours per night.
In order to improve sleep quality, there are few practices called
sleep hygiene. They are good for everybody even if they don’t solve a problem with
insomnia. They include:
1) Exercise during the day primes our bodies to sleep better at
night IF we don’t overdo
the exertion. Overexertion can cause restlessness and poor sleep.
2) Avoid stimulating activities the last 3 or 4 hours prior to
bed. Strenuous exercise or things that cause emotional distress should be
limited or avoided altogether.
3) Avoid ‘screen
time’ for the
last 1 to 2 hours prior to bed. The blue light from TV and computer screens is
stimulating to the part of the brain that controls your sleep/wake cycle. This
makes it harder to fall asleep after shutting down the screen.
4) You can use computer programs which turn blue light into red
hues can help. You can also purchase light bulbs for your bedroom which emit
light in the red spectrum more than the blue which is calming.
5) For the last 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to bed, try to develop
a routine with a relaxing activity. This might be reading a calming book or
listening to calming music.
6) If you get to bed and can’t fall asleep, consider getting up from bed and doing a calming
activity until you feel sleepy. Regardless, get up the same time as usual the next
7) The bedtime routine should include the fact that you aim for
about the same bedtime each night. Aim for an approximate time within 30
minutes either way of your goal. Then awaken approximately the same time each
8) If you awaken with the need to use the bathroom nightly, try
avoiding liquid intake for 2 hours prior to bed. Also, try holding the urge for
a few minutes if possible before getting up. Often, the urge will go away and
you can fall back asleep.
Spiritual: We are whole beings, embodied souls if you want to be
technical. Attempts to separate body from soul during our earthly experience
are full of problems. As we move forward with your care, we hope to see healing
and restoration not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
As a Christian, I believe healing spiritually requires following God’s way. What I mean is not a
religious to do (or “don’t doâ€) list. These are
activities through which God works. First, I encourage patients to read their
Bibles daily. Between the hectic pace of our day and the mental fog of chronic
illness, this can be difficult. I just point patients towards the Psalms, a
place where I and my family have found much benefit during our trials. Reading
one a day is simple and can be very rewarding. Second, I encourage patients to
pray over their health. Many of you have likely already done so, but prayer is
a persisting activity, so don’t give
up. Also, involve others like family members and friends. God wants us to pray
for our needs and the needs of each other. Third, look for areas of bitterness,
unforgiveness, or broken relationships in your life. These may not be at the
heart of your illness, but they can be contributors to it. Work through those
issues with a trusted counselor as soon as you can.
If you have questions about the spiritual aspect of your life,
please ask me and we can talk more.
**********23 and Me Report Details *********
COMT 62 , 158
IgA and IgE
***Important SNPs likely affecting your health:***
DAO General Explanation
You have _1___ significant SNPs for this enzyme.
DAO stands for D Amine Oxidase, an enzyme which metabolizes amine
groups in certain substances including histamine. It is found in the gut,
outside the cells, primarily. In contrast HNMT is an enzyme that breaks down
histamine inside cells. SNPs in this enzyme can slow it down and make the
effects of histamine last longer and be more severe. DAO effects gut histamine
sensitivities whereas HNMT is more related to other histamine effects.
You have DAO SNPs which may be clincally important making you more
sensitive to histamine. This can present as symptoms of seasonal allergies,
skin rashes, Gut sensitivities to histamine foods.
I would also recommend Neuroprotek which contains quercetin,
luteolin, rutin 1 per day and we can determine if need 2 per day. Order from
You have copies of SNPs in your MTHFR gene.
MTHFR has garnered much media attention in recent days due to the
ongoing discoveries of how the methylation cycle is linked to multiple disease
processes. MTHFR stands for methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase, an enzyme
which converts one form of the vitamin folate into another that is critical for
keeping the methylation cycle functioning. The importance of the methylation
cycle and its downstream chemical effects are discussed elsewhere. For now,
just know that this cycle and especially this enzyme has been linked to
depression, anxiety, neural tube defects in babies, cancer, asthma, autism,
chronic fatigue syndrome and many other diseases. The cycle's primary goal is
to produce SAMe, a chemical used throughout your body's system to affect
hundreds of body functions.
When SNPs occur in this enzyme, they primarily slow the enzyme
down, causing less of the methyl-folate to be produced for the methylation
cycle. With less methyl-folate, the methyl-B12 that is used cannot be recycled.
Ultimately less SAMe is produced and the enzyme processes which needs SAMe slow
down. The dysfunction of these enzymes can lead to symptoms and diseases. MTHFR
and the methylation cycle deserve an examination in patients with the symptoms
listed above, especially when other causes are not found or the diseases are
resistant to standard therapy.
MTHFR 677 is the best known and understood SNP. One copy of the
SNP probably decreases the enzyme activity by 30% by most accounts. Two copies
(and thus no normal copy) of 677 probably decrease enzyme activity down by 70%.
Of note, a person may have combinations of 1298 and 677 SNPs. Research is
unclear on the percentage change in enzyme activity when 1298 and 677 are
combined, but all agree that the combination decreases activity.
RECOMMEND B Minus 1 per day for 2 weeks, (we have in stock) then
Start the Hydoxo B12 for 2 weeks, then add folinic acid 200mcg per day.
You have one or more copies of COMT SNPs.
_1__ H62H - (does not change enzyme, but how much it expresses)
_0__ P199P - (lower activity of enzyme)
_1__ V158M - (changes enzyme to work slower)
COMT stands for Catechol O Methyltransferase, an enzyme found in a
variety of tissues of the body. Depending on its location, this enzyme may be
used to break down dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine (all
are neurotransmitters or chemical signals) in the nervous system. It is also
used to break down estrogen in the body. It also breaks down some catechols
from our diet.
The effects of this enzyme may be seen in several diseases.
Dopamine plays a role in schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, and Parkinson's Disease.
Norepinephrine imbalance appears to play a role in ADD/ADHD. Breast and ovarian
cancers are influenced by estrogen. Depending on the proper functioning of COMT
and its relationship to other enzymes, various amounts of different breakdown
products of estrogen may increase or decrease cancer and osteoporosis risks. A
congenital defect called 22q11 deletion syndrome in which 1 copy of the gene is
completely erased places children at increased risk of certain psychiatric
There are many things which may inhibit this enzyme from breaking
down dopamine, norepinephrine, or estrogen. Low levels of SAMe (the methyl
donor product of the methylation cycle) or Magnesium will not permit the enzyme
to work at full capacity. Many foods contain catechol substances which compete
with the primary function and slow it down. Think of more cars trying to drive
down a three lane highway and causing a traffic jam. Coffee, tea, quercetin,
green coffee extract, sweet potatoes, and other foods will put more stress on
the COMT pathway, causing build ups in dopamine, norepinephrine, and
For individuals with SNPs in the COMT enzyme, the enzyme slows
down to varying degrees. Basically, the three lane highway narrow to 2 ½ or
less lanes. If the traffic of neurotransmitters stay light, the person may
function quite normally. If more cars are added to the road by diet or lanes
are closed due to lack of SAMe or Magnesium, neurotransmitters levels may
increase leading to a variety of emotional or physical symptoms.
Therapy for COMT SNPs: As always, we never treat SNPs, we treat
patients and their root causes to relieve symptoms, restoring proper
functioning. If individuals present with anxiety, depression, estrogen
dominance, schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Biopolar, Chronic Fatigue, or a few
other disease processes AND they have COMT SNPs, then certain dietary changes
should be considered as well as supplements addressed. One complicating factor
is that COMT is not the only factor in dopamine and norepinephrine levels. VDR,
the Vitamin D Receptor, and its SNPs interacts with COMT SNPs. For a full
explanation read the VDR notes, but here just know that VDR plays a role in
dopamine levels (and thus norepinephrine levels since it is made from dopamine
by another enzyme). VDR Taq SNPs cause less dopamine to be made. Since the
actual level of dopamine depends on both production and destruction, VDR and
COMT must be considered together.
Beyond the VDR SNPs, other SNPs may play a role in the breakdown
and balance of such neurotransmitters. MAO A and MAO B, along with SULT enzymes
affect levels of these neurotransmitters as well as serotonin. I will make
specific recommendations based on the combination of your SNPs.
I RECOMMEND Hydroxo B12 2000mg per day.
You have _2__ copies of SNPs out of a possible __4__in NOS2.
NOS2 stands for the inducible nitric oxide synthase 2 enzyme which
is found in the liver and is induced (triggered) by various cytokines (cell to
cell chemical signals by immune cystem) and lipopolysaccharides to produce
nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a free radical used by the body in several
beneficial functions. In the immune system is has tumor killing, viral killing,
fungus killing, and bacteria killing actions. Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), flavin
adenine dinucleotide (FAD), flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and NADPH co-factors
are required for catalytic activity. Studies are ongoing which link NOS2
upregulation and down-regulation with various disease states (including
autoimmune diseases, infection susceptibility, cancer, asthma, and more).
Dysfunction may place one at risk of higher infection rates if
down-regulated (slowed down) or autoimmune disease if up-regulated (sped up).
Evidence is not yet clear on the effect of these SNPs.
Adequate cofactors are needed for proper functioning of this
enzyme. FAD and FMN from riboflavin are important as well as NADPH produced by
the energy cycle. Your specific disease state will determine the treatment.
Conditions of high oxidative stress indicate a need for antioxidants and
treatment of the oxidative stress root cause (infections, food sensitivities).
Chronic infections due to poor functioning of NOS2 indicate a need for immune
stimulating therapies. The ultimate goal is to restore balance as this enzyme
has an important role in proper body functioning. Too much or too little can
each cause problems.
PEMT General
You have _1__ SNPs in this gene.
Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase. PEMT is a
transferase enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine
(PE) to phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the liver. PEMT uses methyl groups from SAM
to make PC; this accounts for about 30% of PC synthesis. PC accounts for more
than half of cell wall phospholipid content, and is a crucial component for
supporting cell membrane integrity. Supplementing with PC spares valuable
methyl groups for use elsewhere. The body can also turn PC in choline for liver
support. Adequate choline intake is important.
I RECOMMEND: Seeking Health Phophatidylcholine 1 capsule twice a
day. Cost from Seeking Health that I can provide is $17.50 plus $1.62 tax for
total $19.12. This provides 100 softgels. You will likely take this twice a day
for 2 months, then drop down to once daily maintenance.
Multiple SNPS in IgE and IgA which are forms of antibodies. These
genetics may explain why problems have developed with allergies.
**********Possibly important SNPs **********
You have one or more FUT2 SNP variants.
FUT2 stands for fucosyltransferase, an enzyme involve in producing
H antigen. Some research points to difficult retaining Vitamin B12 and thus
requiring more in the diet or by supplementation. Not clear how important this
is at this time. Other studies look at the effect of this enzyme on gut health.
SNPs seem to reduce the variety of bacteria in the gut. Homozygous vegetarians
may have very low B12 levels. Would consider higher doses of either methyl-B12
or hydoxy-B12 depending on your other SNPs. You should also take a probiotic
daily if you are having trouble absorbing B12 or if you have gut
You have _2__ out of a possible _4__ SNP copies on this
SOD2 stands for Superoxide Dismutase 2. This family of enzyme help
protect the body by processing superoxide radicals which if left alone can
cause oxidative damage to cells. SOD2 is in our mitochondria where energy
production occurs in the cells. The SNPs causes decreased gene function.
Chronic alcohol ingestion by persons with two copies causes brain shrinkage at
greater rates than those without the SNPs. Chronic oxidative stress can lead to
cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. It also interferes with
proper functioning of your methylation cycle.
You have _2_ out of a possible _4__ SNP copies on this
SOD3 stands for Superoxide Dismutase 3. This family of enzyme help
protect the body by processing superoxide radicals which if left alone can
cause oxidative damage to cells. SOD3 is found outside our cells to process
superoxide free radicals. The SNPs causes decreased gene function. Chronic
alcohol ingestion by persons with two copies causes brain shrinkage at greater
rates than those without the SNPs. Chronic oxidative stress can lead to cancer,
heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. It also interferes with proper
functioning of your methylation cycle.
Treat both with Vitamin E (already doing that) and Manganese, but
manganese is already high, so don't want to more.
Other SNPs unlikely affecting you, but good to be aware of:
You have SNPs in the CYP2d6 enzyme.
CYP2D6 stands for a cytochrome p450 enzyme which your body uses to
detoxify (change so that it can be removed) various chemicals in your body
including many drugs (beta-blockers for high blood pressure, rhythm drug for
the heart, anti-depressants, the cough medicine dextromethorphan (DM), codeine,
diltiazem, nortriptyline, and others. It also helps produce steroids in hormones
in the body under normal circumstances. Some SNPs can greatly decrease the
ability of the enzyme to function leading to higher levels of these medications
in the body.
Therapy is mainly to avoid the medications processed by this
enzyme if you know that you have it.
You have a SNP in CYP1B1. This detoxification pathway is involved
in steroid metabolism. Having the SNP appears to slightly lower the risk of
endometrial cancer. Other cancers are being studied but are not entirely clear
You have SNPs in this enzyme.
__1__ rs1057910
__1__ rs1799853
This enzyme is one of a large number of enzymes used in the body
to break down (metabolize) both chemicals made by the body and chemicals from
the environment. They catalyze (facilitate) many chemical reactions in drug
metabolism and production of cholesterol,steroids, and lipids. This particular
enzyme can be sped up by the antibiotic rifampin. The enzyme breaks down drugs
such as phenytoin (Dilantin), tolbutamide (diabetes), ibuprofen (OTC pain
medication), and warfarin.
Those with the rs1057910 SNPs may have difficulty breaking down
Celebrex, tolbutaminde, phenytoin, glipizide (diabetes), and warfarin
(coumadin, blood thinner). These individuals have increase risk of skin
reactions to phenytoin and increased risk of bleeding with warfarin
Those with rs1799853 SNPs may have difficulty with sensitivity to
phenytoin and warfarin. They may also have increased risk of GI bleeding when
taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDS.
Before taking any of these medications, you should inform your
doctor of your genetics and discuss how to adjust your dose or choose another
***********Other Testing Results:***********
Genova Nutreval Report
The following information walks through your Genova report one
section at a time. It begins with a short summary of the important highlights
of your testing. Specific therapy recommendations are place in the summary for
the program report on the first page. Next each section is addressed.
********** Section by Section ********
******** Malabsorption and Dysbiosis ********
Malabsorption Markers
Your phenylacetic acid (PAA) is ___barely___ elevated. This may be
from low stomach acid or enzyme activity as well as problems with intestinal
motility. Bacterial Dysbiosis is also a possibility. I recommend *********
Bacterial Dysbiosis Markers
DHPPA is ___barely____ elevated, indicating possible Clostridia or
Pseudomonas in gut. I RECOMMEND:***** At some point a stool analysis may be
3HPAA is ____mildly____ elevated. This may be due to quercetin
intake, increased teas/fruits/grape seed extract (flavanoids) or colonic
bacteria. I RECOMMEND: *******
Your Benzoic Acid is __moderately_____ elevated. This may reflect
high intake of food such as strawberries with this substance, gut dysbiosis, or
high intake of polyphenols such as quercetin, chlorogenic acid, Luteolin,
genitstein, or the foods below. Some studies show a possible connection between
high benzoic acid levels and slowed cognitive ability.
Foods with polyphenols include blackberries, raspberries, black
currants, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, cherries, plums, apples, pears,
chicory, artichoke, coffee, soy, tofu, green tea, apricots, black tea, red
wine, and chocolate.
I RECOMMEND *********
Yeast / Fungal Dysbiosis Markers
******** Cellular Energy and Mitochondrial Metabolites ********
Your Lactic Acid is __mildly____ elevated.
This can occur in a variety of conditions: if sample collected
after exercise, low zinc, low oxygen, anemia, lung disease, toxins, low B1, low
B6, problems with muscle metabolism.
I RECOMMEND: ___ Zinc ___mg per day, __CHECK level of_ Iron ___ mg
per day, ___ Gingko 100mg per day, ___ Detox, ___ B1 ___ mg per day, ___
Vitamin B6 ___mg per day, ___ treat diabetes, _xx__ L carnitine 500mg _2__
times per day, ___ Creatine ___mg per day, ___ magnesium ___mg per day.
Energy Metabolism
Overall good
Fatty Acid Metabolism
You have _____very_____ elevated Suberic Acid. This may be from
certain vitamin deficiencies, a very low carb diet, diabetes, or some rare
metabolic defects. For you I RECOMMEND: ******** L-Carnitine 500 mg twice day
(can be acetyl – L
carnitine or L carnitine fumarate). You should also take Vitamin B6 at
******** Neurotransmitter Metabolites ********
******** Vitamin Markers ********
Alpha keto-adipic acid elevation:
Possible Causes: B3 – niacin deficiency, Pantothenic Acid deficiency, cysteine
deficiency, magnesium deficiency, energy deficiency, B1 – thiamin deficiency, B2 – riboflavin deficiency.
Toxic metals like arsenic, antimony, mercury, or cadmium. Yeast or fungal
Formimino Glutamic Acid Elevation
You have ___ borderline _______ elevated Formimino Glutamic acid
(FIGLU). This can be from low folic acid or severe oxidative stress which
interferes with folic acid metabolism. Histidine supplementation can also
elevate it in high doses. I RECOMMEND: Methyl-tetrahydrofolate starting 500mcg
per day, increasing each week by 500mcg until reach desire dose (To be
determined). If you have increased irritability, insomnia, teeth grinding,
nightmares, skip a day of this vitamin. *******
IsoValerylGlycine (IVG) elevation
You have ___borderline_____ elevated IVG. IVG is made from another
amino acid called leucine. This may be elevated in anorexia nervosa (self
starvation) or enzyme defects. It may also be from high leucine intake (__ Yes
or _no__ No for you). Symptoms may include weakness. The enzyme defects may
respond to treatment with carnitine and glycine or riboflavin.
I RECOMMEND: ___ alpha lipoic acid, ___ B1/Thiamine, _xxx__
B2/Riboflavin, ___ B3/Niacin, ___ Pantothenic acid, ___ Methyl-folate, xx___
Folinic Acid, ___ B6/pyridoxine, ___ B12 as ___ Methyl-cobalamin - ___
hydroxyl-cobalamin - ___ adenosyl-cobalamin, ___ Cysteine (as n-acetyl
cysteine), ___ Magnesium, __xx_ Carnitine, ___ glycine, ___ Ribose .
OR treatment for ___ Heavy metals.
******** Toxin and Detox Markers ********
******** Tyrosine Metabolism ********
******** Essential Amino Acids ********
Across the board, low amino acids – need to increase protein intake- especially tryptophan, taurine,
BCAA, methionine
******** Non-essential Amino Acids ********
******** Intermediary Metabolites ********
B Vitamins
Urea Cycle
Glycine and Serine
High Glycine – should
lower supplementation or increase phase 2 detox
Dietary Peptide markers
******** Fatty Acids ********
Omega 3’s
Low – need to
add Omega 3 DHA+EPA total 2000 per day for 1 month, then 1000 per day
Omega 9’s
Saturated Fatty Acids
Omega 6’s
Monounsaturated Fats
FATS high. Need to find sources and remove.
Linoleic / DGLA ratio
Cardiovascular Risk
Not ideal. Increasing Omega 3 and 9’s would help while lowering saturated fats.
******** Oxidative Stress Markers ********
Your glutathione is _____very____ low. If your cysteine is low
____ that needs replacement. Otherwise I RECOMMEND increasing other
antioxidants. You are either not making it sufficiently or are using it up too
quick. Future possibility is transdermal glutathione as oral form is broken
down too rapidly to be useful.
I RECOMMEND: __x_ Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg twice a day, __x_
Vitamin E, _x__ N acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600mg twice a day.
Your lipid peroxides are ___barely_______ elevated. This indicates
that high oxidative stress has caused damage to your cell membranes. This
process is likely ongoing now and needs to be reversed. You need healthy cell
membranes for proper functioning of all cell types.
I RECOMMEND: **** : _x__ Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg twice a day, _x__
Vitamin E, _x__ N acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600mg twice a day , ___ Selenium ___ ,
__x__ Vitamin C at _____ mg per day , _____ Oral liposomal glutathione ____mg
per day , ____ IV glutathione
******** Vitamin D *********
Low at 26
- Supplement 5000 per day and recheck in 3 months
******** RBC Elements ********
******** Nutrients ********
Can lower manganese if taking -- not taking, not eating large
amounts of nuts.
Others are pretty good
******** Toxins ********
Tiny bit of lead
Some Cadmium
- Alpha Lipoic and NAC and Selenium will help detox
- Can add sweat therapy as well.
******** Other Testing *********
minimal except sesame 2_
IgE level over 2000
IgE ***********
6 - peanut
4 - cows milk, wheat
3 - soybean, eggwhite
2 - oat
1 - rice
IgG veggies
IgG spices
- Okay
IgE inhalants *****************
Trees -neg
Grasses 4 bermuda, 6 johnson and June
Weeds - Ragweed 5
MOlds 3
Cat 6 cockroach 3 dog 6 Mite 3,2,4
IgE Mold
3 - aspergillus, alternaria,
4 - candida albicans, mucor, rhizopus,
5 -
6 pitryosporum orbiculare
Celiac - gluten
This summary does not show the doctor's notes or
specific documentation. If you would like access to additional documentation
you must request a copy of your note from your provider