Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another micro-flare but barely noticeable!

I had another micro-flare that started yesterday evening....just about over I think. I barely noticed it.  I had flaring with a tad bit of ooze on my L forefinger, part of the top of L hand, small spot on inner R arm, spot on L  side of neck,  and 2 sores on my lower R leg/ankle.  We are talking spots no bigger than 2-3 cm long.  I was itching more than usual last night telling hubby that I thought I was probably flaring.  But it was really not that bad and lasted less than an hour.  My hands are still doing better than before but are still very dry and cracked from work.  The rest of me is doing great.  The neck spot is annoying as are my ankles, but aside from those areas, nothing bothers me.  I am going about my days now easier and getting more and more done.

Today I went tanning first thing in the morning.  I then did a bit of cleaning around the dining area so I could bring out my new Excalibur dehydrator!  I am so excited to have this!  I bought it for making fruit snacks and yogurt,  Since fruit is not in season, I thought I would try my hand at the yogurt.  So I sterilized my mason jars, heated up my raw milk to 110 degrees, and then put it a few teaspoons of organic greek yogurt.  I then poured the milk mixture into the mason jars and set them in the dehydrator at 115 degrees for 12 hours.  I cannot wait to see how it comes out!  I was using the thermos method but my thermos was so difficult to clean along with the straining of the yogurt.  I now can put a piece of cheesecloth over the opening of the jar and drain the whey out that extra dishes to clean.  We are on a mission to really start eating even better.  Lots of probiotic rich foods are in our future.  Hubby and I plan to learn how to make something new every few weeks.  Next on my list is kombucha. :)

So here is a pic from yesterday...during my tiny flare my face was  barely affected, if at all.  My hair is growing like a weed!  I plan to get myself into a spa, nails, waxing, massage, the works!!  I plan to pamper myself after this year of hell.  Sounds selfish, I know, but I do this only once a year if that....and only in the last few years. I am not one to spend money on myself.  After this spring, life is going to get REALLY busy!  When we move to our 68 acres, we plan on starting a homestead....big garden, chickens, cows, you name it!  We are also getting a 2nd dog.  We will be out in the mountains/hills of KY where wild life roam.  The kids will need a bit of protection when out playing or exploring.  So in a few weeks we will be adding a puppy to our family.  Boy oh boy....lots of work ahead!!!  :)

I will be taking more close ups of various areas after these next few days I have to work.  But notice the neck?  Looking and feeling great!!  

1 comment:

  1. looking fabulous!

    Please post a picture of the puppy when you get it.
